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Delaware Senate Republicans

Senator Hocker Issues Statement Regarding State of the State Interruptions, Resolutions’ Debates

March 6, 2024

DOVER, DE – On Wednesday, March 6, 2024, Senator Gerald Hocker (R-Ocean View) issued the following statement regarding the interruptions during Governor John Carney’s State of the State Address and two of the resolutions that were debated during Senate session.

“In the nearly 22 years that I have served in the Delaware General Assembly, yesterday, March 5, 2024, was by far the most disgusting I have seen.

“Governor John Carney delivered his annual State of the State Address to members of the legislature, cabinet officials, and residents throughout Delaware. Despite the political differences members of either party may share with our state’s chief executive, we are always respectful and receptive to what he or she has had to say.

“Unfortunately, far-left supporters of the terrorist organization Hamas interrupted Governor Carney multiple times. They were rightly escorted out of the building and I thank the men and women of law enforcement present, as well as the House Chamber’s sergeant of arms, for their swift action. No doubt, the childish antics of Representative Madinah Wilson-Anton during her outburst at Vice-President Kamala Harris’s holiday party served as a precedent to what we saw yesterday.

“Not to be outdone, Senate Majority Leader Bryan Townsend (D-Townsend) displayed the most egregious and overt show of political strong-arming I have ever seen.

“For the past five months, Senator Eric Buckson (R-South Dover) has been working with the Democratic chairs of the House and Senate Education committees, and members of Delaware’s education community, on a resolution to establish a task force to explore solutions to behavior and discipline issues in our state’s public schools. A half hour before session, Senator Townsend met with Senator Buckson and told him he was going to introduce his own bureaucracy-laden version of Senator Buckson’s resolution.

“During floor debate, members of the Senate Democratic Caucus behind Senator Townsend were visibly uncomfortable with what was transpiring. Eight Democrats had signed on to Senator Buckson’s resolution as either prime or co-sponsors, including three in the Senate. Regardless, they followed their marching orders and passed Senator Townsend’s resolution and refused to support Senator Buckson’s, which was originally slated to be brought forth on Thursday.

“Washington DC political tactics and rhetoric have largely been absent from Legislative Hall. However, between what happened yesterday and the Senate Democratic leadership’s unhinged statement following the Delaware Superior Court’s ruling on the early voting and permanent absentee laws, it is apparent DC partisanship has now entered Delaware politics.”

Senator Hocker is the Senate Republican Leader and represents the 20th Senate District.


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