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Delaware Senate Republicans

Senator Hocker: Letter to Sec. Shawn Garvin Regarding Dunes at Indian River Inlet

August 21, 2024

Dear Secretary Garvin,

I am writing to express my serious concerns regarding the recent breaches in the protective dunes near the Indian River Inlet. The most recent breach, which consequently closed the northbound lane of Route 1 due to flooding, not only threatens the local ecosystem, but also poses a significant risk to the safety and wellbeing of our community.

The dunes serve as a critical natural barrier, protecting our coastal areas from erosion and storm surges. Their degradation compromises not only the integrity of the shoreline, but also the effectiveness of flood defenses for nearby properties and infrastructure. The current sand bypass system is clearly not sufficient. There hasn’t been meaningful pumping of sand to the north side of the inlet in more than 5 years. Not since the administration of Governor Ruth Ann Minner, with support from former DNREC Secretary, John Hughes, has maintaining and securing the integrity of this area’s coastal landscape been a true priority. The breaches at the Indian River Inlet, therefore, warrant immediate and thorough intervention.

Given the severity of the situation, I urge your office to implement prompt repair measures to restore the dunes while collaborating with experts to develop a detailed plan for preventing future breaches, including potential improvements to existing dune management strategies and infrastructure that are based on the latest research and best practices.

The urgency of these actions cannot be overstated. The continued health of our coastal environment and the safety of our communities are at stake. I look forward to your prompt response and to seeing decisive actions taken to address this critical issue.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Senator Gerald Hocker

Senate Minority Whip

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